What factors determine the "website ranking"?

Did you know that over 200 algorithms at Google decide how your website is placed? We are happy to advise you on how you can positively influence your ranking with the help of search engine optimization (SEO), so that you appear higher up on Google and receive more visitors to your website.


Google is constantly changing its search algorithm. With the help of regular updates, we adapt our customer websites to new requirements free of charge. So your future website is always up to date with us "SEO-technically".


The website has now been live for almost three quarters now. I have, for some time, been seeing significantly more customer inflow due to the website, and always hear the same thing: "Your site is very appealing to me and also has persuasive content ", "Very nicely designed", etc., etc. Christina Felchlin

Good to know:

Keyword Analysis

Under which keywords do you want to be found on Google? With the help of a competitor analysis (and our experience), we find together the optimal keywords for your website.

On-Page SEO

This includes all search engine optimizations "on the website itself". Essentially, on-page SEO is the integration of keywords in all relevant places on your website – of which there are quite a few.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO includes all measures "outside the website" to increase the findability of the website. For example, website entries in web catalogs create a positive impact on your ranking.

Google My Business

For local searches such as "hairdresser Bern", Google often displays a map with companies from the region that are registered with My Business.

Domain Wisdom

The "wisdom" of a domain is a not entirely irrelevant SEO factor. The longer a domain has existed, the better the website is usually ranked.

Free Tip

Improve the off-page SEO of your website by placing it in the online directory of your municipality and/or on any websites of partners and suppliers.

Your agency for the web

We thank you for your trust in our agency and look forward to hearing from you.







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8610 Uster

044 504 26 00



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Mo 8:00  -  12:00     13:30  -  17:30
Tue 8:00  -  12:00     13:30  -  17:30
Wed 8:00  -  12:00     13:30  -  17:30
Thu 8:00  -  12:00     13:30  -  17:30
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